Winemaker Jochen Beurer of Weingut Beurer in Swabia, in Germany talks about sub soils on which he grows Riesling. Watch all of our videos withs Jochen Beurer here:… Subscribe to Ask a Winemaker for hundreds more wine videos: Have a question for a winemaker? Post it in the comments and we will try
Life’s all about impressing, so if you’ve got your first (dreaded) dinner with the in-laws coming up or you’ve just started a new gig at an online wine retailer *ah herm*, make sure you bring the right bottle of wine and make yourself be known. From Barolo to Champagne, Charlotte (Mofo + Queen of Cool)
Grave Digger Wine with 666 turns Just in time to the year-end 2013, Germanys figurehead regarding true metal, the band GRAVE DIGGER are presenting their own wine. Although other artists have placed their grape juice at the shelfs, the Grave Digger edition of the winery 666 metal wines sets apart because of the personal attempt,