Our favorite ‘workhorse’ blanco tequila for your home bar. Cimarrón Tequila from Atotonilco, Jalisco is distilled from hillside agave grown at 4,620′ elevation, where plant sugars reach an average of 24-26° Brix. A low-pressure, slow agave roast creates Cimarrón’s bright, forward flavor, and fermentation is entirely natural using winemakers’ yeast. Purchase at Winex: https://www.winex.com/catalog/product/view/id/27283/s/cimarron-blanco-tequila/
Here’s an outstanding Napa Valley Cab that if we told you where the juice was sourced we’d have to charge twice the price. It’s big and burly, but don’t think you can’t enjoy this 2019 early. Shop it here: https://enth.to/3A88uxS Follow us on social media! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wineexpress/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WineExpress/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/WineExpress
Our soil mapping study of Jordan estate vineyard blocks uses the latest research and technology. Rows are now micro-farmed by soil type, texture and water-holding capacity. Irrigation, cover crops, thinning and other farming practices change within a single acre and even within a single row. Full blog post: http://blog.jordanwinery.com/2010/10/soil-mapping-video-precision-farming-with-technology/.
Brettanomyces is avoided by most winemakers. Chad Stock wondered what would happen if he embraced it. Video 2 of 2 For more with Chad, view our playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaCODB1_K4o&list=PLddUmDhg4G_Kg1oas7H6T8BISEMPcWoK_ Subscribe to Ask a Winemaker for hundreds more wine videos: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=askawinemaker Have a question for a winemaker? Post it in the comments and we will try to
Are NATURAL WINES GOOD or BAD? MASTER of WINE tastes Natural Wines. Support me on my new PATREON: https://patreon.com/konstantinbaum Follow me on …: https://www.instagram.com/konstantinbaum_mw/ Check out my website: https://meinelese.de I have used this glass in this Video: RIEDEL Veritas Champagne I have tasted the following wines in this Video: 2019 Envinate Taganan Blanco – 20.50
Pears poached in red wine, an elegant ending to any meal! http://allrecipes.co.uk/recipe/33157/red-wine-poached-pears.aspx Maybe you’re looking for festive entertaining ideas, or perhaps you’ve got too much red wine leftover from last Friday night’s party… either way, pears poached in red wine is a delicious make-ahead dessert that is always an elegant way to finish a meal.
Chef Russell Klein of Award of Excellence winner Meritage in St Paul, Minn. shares a simple crispy salmon recipe that’s dressed up with melted leeks and drizzled with classic French beurre blanc sauce. Wine Spectator’s Hilary Sims explains why a buttery white Burgundy pairs well with this rich, creamy and slightly tangy dish.