Tired of the Caymus hype and its hefty price tag? In this video, we put Caymus to the ultimate test – a blind taste test against 3 hidden gem wines! Big Hammer Wines Owner and Wine Expert, Greg Martellotto tasted it and the results are sure to surprise you. There’s a whole world of delicious wines beyond the Caymus label, and they’re waiting to be discovered! Ditch the overpriced option and elevate your wine game with these budget-friendly, highest-quality alternatives. Watch now and learn how to impress your friends and family with your newfound wine knowledge – without breaking the bank!
Get the 2020 Cerro Cabernet Sauvignon Napa Valley: https://www.bighammerwines.com/products/2020-cerro-cabernet-sauvignon-napa-valley
Get the 2018 Brookman Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon: https://www.bighammerwines.com/products/2018-brookman-napa-valley-cabernet-sauvignon
Get the 2021 Acumen Mountainside Cabernet Sauvignon Napa Valley: https://www.bighammerwines.com/products/2021-acumen-mountainside-cabernet-sauvignon-napa-valley
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