John Niven of Niven Family Wine Estates explains why Edna Valley is unique. For those in the know, California’s Edna Valley on the Central Coast just south of San Luis Obispo is a hotspot for some very cool wines. Jack Niven pioneered the region when he first planted the historic Paragon Vineyard here in 1973. “Over the course of the past 10 years, we’ve gone from growing and selling grapes to having a diverse portfolio – Baileyana, Tangent, Trenza, True Myth and Zocker,” says John Niven, V.P./Sales & Marketing and member of the third generation of Nivens managing their estate. “Each has a distinct personality, like five children.” Learn more about Niven Family Estates: Discover California’s best small wineries and enjoy deliveries of their award-winning wines with our Premier Series wine club. Learn more at Every bottle is hand-selected and guaranteed to be one you’ll love.