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Pizza & Italian Wine pairing! Pizza boy delivers 8 pizza’s for the Wine Tasting (W/ Stevie Kim)

#ItalianPizza #MammaJumboShrimp #Wine #everybodyneedsabitofscienza

Welcome to our Pizza and Wine pairing’, hosted by Stevie Kim. Today’s video is a little different, Stevie sits down with Professore Attilio Scienza, Mattia Rizzi (aka Pizza Boy) and Richard Hough to eat 8 pizza’s and taste some delicious wines!

The Professore came to visit us to do some recordings for his show #everybodyneedsabitofscienza but they got hungry and this happened! Enjoy the banter and remember to check out the Professore’s new book coming soon, Mamma Jumbo Shrimp Guide’s Vine & Prejudice: Fake science and the search for the perfect grape. To learn more about the book you can visit or listen to it on the podcast just visit:

If you want to learn more about the Professore:
The one who checks all the facts and regulates when we mistakenly type “Verdicchio” in place of “Vermentino.” Attilio Scienza is a full professor at the University of Milan in the Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences where he teaches courses on genetic improvements to the vine; he also teaches Viticulture in the Master’s program of the University of Turin in Asti. He has been the lead for many national research projects in the field of physiology, agricultural techniques, and vine genetics. As the author of over 350 publications on vine and viticulture in national and international journals, you can bet he knows his stuff!
To find out more about Attilio Scienza visit:…l-be-one-of_307764/

To find out more about Stevie Kim visit:
Facebook: @steviekim222
Instagram: @steviekim222

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Cin Cin!

The MammaJumboShrimp family is a podcast, it’s a book & it’s a wine school – but the truth is we love Italian wine but we won’t turn our nose up at other wines!! In addition to wine, we also cover food and travel, this winning trifecta makes up our identity. Projects to date include the Italian Wine Podcast, Italian Wine Academy, and Italian Wine Books, but stay tuned because the best is yet to…watch.

Or you can always go ahead & punch in for more information: This channel aims to inform, educate and entertain wine fans through engaging tastings, conversations with producers, experts, and personalities. Wine Geeks Unite! explore our world and all we have to offer!

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